Cultural and Public History Association
The Cultural and Public History Association (CPHA) at California State University, Fullerton was founded in 2013 and prides itself for its inclusion of scholarly individuals interested in the wide spectrum that is the subject of history. Its founding members, each of whom studied different aspects of cultural or public history, came together in an effort to promote unity and interest within the social sciences. Throughout the academic year, CPHA looks forward to sponsoring enrichment activities that include field trips, lecture series, movie events, and workshops. CPHA is an exciting academic organization that seeks to prepare and enhance students in the academic and professional communities.
Membership is open to all departments! In addition to public and cultural history, fields of CPHA members include, but are not limited to, the subjects of gender and sexuality, political science, European studies, Chicano studies, African American history, Asian studies, Art history, philosophy, fine arts, performing arts, English, Modern Languages, and education. CPHA is committed to upholding the values of CSUF, and we hope that through our engagement with the university and its students, we can help in building an inclusive community that values diversity, fosters tolerance, and encourages mutual understanding.
CPHA is also proud to publish
, an annual interdisciplinary journal created entirely by CSUF students.
Voices not only reflects the scholarly accomplishments of CSUF students, but also illustrates their engagement with the world around them. By offering new perspectives and examining the historical roots of issues encountered in today’s world, it is our hope that the voices shared by this journal will encourage readers to delve into the topics that matter to them, and motivate them to share their voices as well."
Contact the Cultural and Public History Association
For more information about CPHA, please email the faculty advisor, Dr. Ben Cawthra.
Be sure to check the History Department's Events Calendar for upcoming CPHA events!