The Welebaethan

The Welebaethan: A Journal of History is published by undergraduate and graduate students in the Department of History at California State University, Fullerton (CSUF). It is also the official journal of CSUF’s Theta-Pi Chapter (established 1962) of Phi Alpha Theta (History Honor Society). 

First published in 1974, The Welebaethan is named after Shirley A. Weleba (1930-1972), a former faculty member in CSUF’s Department of History. Weleba, a scholar of African history, had received her Ph.D. from the University of Southern California in 1969 for her dissertation “Trial by Jury in Southern Rhodesia, 1900-1912.” 

The journal’s volumes 1-45 (1974-2018) were published in print and won numerous awards. Volume 46 (2019) was The Welebaethan’s first web publication and won first prize in the 2019 Gerald D. Nash History Graduate Online Journal competition. 


Students interested in honing their writing, editing, and publishing skills may join the journal’s editorial team by enrolling in HIST 406A (History and Editing) in the fall semester. Submissions for publication consideration are accepted twice a year, in early September and mid-December.


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Contact the Welebaethan


For more information about the Welebaethan, please email the faculty advisor, Dr. Jochen Burgtorf.

Be sure to check the History Department's Events Calendar for upcoming Welebaethan events!

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